worm farm nation

Sharing the wonders of vermicomposting

We’re glad you’re here!

Worm Farm Nation offers information and resources to make it easy for anyone to reduce their organic waste & enjoy the many benefits of vermicomposting

Why Should You Vermicompost?

Vermicomposting turns organic waste—like your used coffee grounds, banana peels and other food scraps—into compost, and uses various species of worms to drive a faster decomposition process. 

    • Vermicomposting creates higher quality compost than regular composting.
    • Use your compost to maintain your garden, or create an additional source of income through worms!
    • Hate throwing away smelly garbage from your kitchen every night? Vermicomposting takes care of that. 


Vermicomposting is EASY!

Vermicomposting is simple, and should be doable by anyone who wants to reduce their organic waste and generate rich nutrient-filled compost. 


Worm Farm Nation provides all the resources you need to get started. 


Our Approach

Vermicomposting is simple and should be available to everyone who wants to reduce their organic waste and create rich nutrient-filled compost. We provide all the resources needed to getting started with your worm bin. Our team is available to answer questions and help your worm farm flourish 

Getting Started
Advanced Experiments
Worm Calculator
Resources for teachers and educators

The Power of Worms

10 lbs of worms can

Pounds of food scraps each week


Double their amount every 3 months


Your Title Goes Here

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!


Yes! One of the advantages of vermacompost is that it can be done in a relativley small bin.


No. As long as you don't overfeed the worms your compost bin wont smell.

How much does it cost to start vermicomposting?

Depending on the type of bin you purchase, you can start vermicomposting for as little as $15.

Is vermicomposting kid-friendly?

Yes! Vermicomposting is a great activity for children of all ages, offering a fun, interesting way to instill the value of reducing waste.

How much time does it take to maintain a worm bin?

It takes about 15 minutes per WEEK to feed your worms and check the conditions of the bin. 

Start Vermicomposting!

Worm Farm Nation is here to help anyone reduce their organic waste and start composting. If you have any questions, get in touch. We’re happy to help!

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